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LMLarissa Miranda
Larissa Miranda
"O símbolo da flecha está ligado a ideia de eternidade e de objetivo concluído/alcançado. A flecha tem um significado mitológico também, pois na mitologia Greco/Romana os deuses usavam as flechas no mundo dos homens para sacramentar algo e tornar eterno e imutável." ________________________________________________"The arrow symbol is linked to the idea of eternity and goal completed / achieved. The arrow has a mythological significance as well, because in Greek / Roman mythology the gods used arrows in the world of men to sacrament something and make it eternal and unchanging. " .

"O símbolo da flecha está ligado a ideia de eternidade e de objetivo concluído/alcançado. A flecha tem um significado mitológico também, pois na mitologia Greco/Romana os deuses usavam as flechas no mundo dos homens para sacramentar algo e tornar eterno e imutável." ________________________________________________ "The arrow symbol is linked to the idea of eternity and goal completed / achieved. The arrow has a mythological significance as well, because in Greek / Roman mythology the gods used arrows in the world of men to sacrament something and make it eternal and unchanging. " .


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A flecha tem um significado mitológico também pois na mitologia Greco/Romana os deuses usavam as flechas no mundo dos homens para sacramentar algo e tornar eterno e imutável.Também pode se representar o desenho de flecha como ideia de velocidade, foco e conquista de metas e objetivos.“No simbolismo chinês, as nuvens representam transição e transformação. Nuvens apontam para o processo de transformação do primitivo/banal para ascendido/espiritual. A evolução sentimental é tão transitória e imprevisível como as próprias nuvens.”________________________________________________“In Chinese symbolism, clouds represent transition and transformation. Clouds point to the process of transformation from primitive / banal to ascended / spiritual. Sentimental evolution is as transitory and unpredictable as the clouds themselves. ”“Ela é de Leão! Vive em excesso e ruge sua alegria pelo mundo. É uma rainha com paixao nos olhos e nobreza no coração.” ________________________________________________“She's from Leo! He lives to excess and roars his joy for the world. She is a queen with passion in the eyes and nobility in the heart. ”Resiliência significa voltar ao estado normal, e é um termo oriundo do latim resiliens. Resiliência é a capacidade de voltar ao seu estado natural, principalmente após alguma situação crítica e fora do comum. Lindo significado!Essa escrita foi escolhida pela cliente, e a rosa foi sugestão minha. ________________________________________________Resilience means going back to normal state, and it's a term from Latin resiliens.Resilience is the ability to return to its natural state, especially after some critical and unusual situation. Beautiful meaning!This writing was chosen by the client, and the rose was my suggestion.Essa arte foi criada para ajustar uma antiga tatuagem, e complementa-la também. No fim de tudo, a safira que tatuamos, também serviu para simbolizar sua falecida cachorra! ________________________________________________This art was created to fit an old tattoo, and complement it as well. After all, the sapphire we tattooed also served to symbolize her late dog!Done in @ondotattoo Thanks to @sergius8 for trusting again in meThe image is dedicated to Greek mythology and its symbolism. In the left hand of the image appears a Corinthian helmet which was used in rituals dedicated to the virgin goddess Athena. Second, the spine (pilar) that, by analogy, is associated with the human spine. But also, within mythology, Hercules used two columns to establish the limit of the world, and Plato locates Atlantis. Third, the winged foot that, par excellence, is attributed to the messenger god Hermes. The Greek horn or keras was a symbol of fertility and was used to transmit messages.#barcelonatattoo #hermetica #occultart #occulttattoo #palmtattoo #gnosis #alchemy #alchemytattoo #blackworkers #etchingtattoo #engravingtattoo #etching #engraving #occultism #bw #blacktattooart
“O nó infinito, com suas linhas fluídas e entrelaçados em um padrão fechado, representa a origem dependente e a inter-relação de todos os fenômenos. Significa também causa e efeito da união de compaixão e sabedoria.”  ________________________________________________“The infinite knot, with its flowing lines intertwined in a closed pattern, represents the dependent origin and interrelation of all phenomena. It also means cause and effect of the union of compassion and wisdom. ”🇧🇷Poseidon é o deus dos mares, dos oceanos, das tempestades, dos lagos e dos cavalos de acordo com a mitologia grega. Um entre os doze deuses gregos olímpicos, ele é o filho dos titãs Cronos e Reia e a principal divindade adorada nas cidades de Pilos e Tebas.🇺🇸Poseidon is the god of the seas, oceans, storms, lakes and horses according to Greek mythology.  One of the twelve Greek Olympian gods, he is the son of the titans Cronos and Reia and the main deity worshiped in the cities of Pilos and Thebes.“Om tare tuttare ture soha.” O mantra provém da deusa mais popular do budismo. Tara Verde é a deusa da compaixão universal, da iluminação e das ações virtuosas. Diz-se que ela é a mãe de todos os Budas.A palavra Tara significa “libertadora”. Segundo a crença budista, liberta principalmente dos medos e das ameaças externas. Entre eles, diz a tradição, o medo de elefantes, de leões, de fogo, de cobras, de ladrões, de águas tempestuosas, escravidão e maus espíritos.________________________________________________Om tare tuttare ture soha. The mantra comes from the most popular goddess of Buddhism. Tara Verde is the goddess of universal compassion, enlightenment and virtuous deeds. She is said to be the mother of all Buddhas.The word Tara means "liberating." According to Buddhist belief, it frees mainly from fears and external threats. Among them, tradition says, fear of elephants, lions, fire, snakes, thieves, stormy waters, slavery and evil spirits.“O Leão é um signo do zodíaco, que representa generosidade, nobreza e criatividade.” 🦁💞 | "The Leo is a zodiac sign that represents generosity, nobility and creativity."Coral com peônias e lua crescente. Referência criada para a cliente, cheia de significados especiais! | Coral with peonies and crescent moon. Reference created for the customer, full of special meanings!The organic textures in the fluidity of the body refer to the sensation of naturalness and harmony that is experienced in the movement of our physical being. When we talk about fluidity in the body, we refer to the ability to perform smooth and coordinated movements, as if it were a dance. These organic textures are found in nature, like the flow of water, the movement of leaves in the wind, or the softness of sand on the beach.
In the practice of various artistic and sports disciplines, such as yoga, dance, meditation or tai chi, the aim is to cultivate this fluidity in the body, allowing a deeper connection with oneself and with the environment. By integrating these organic textures into our movements, we achieve greater body awareness and a sense of harmony and well-being
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