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P'ti Vince Duc
Hannibal Lecter portrait by David Corden #DavidCorden #color #portrait #realistic #HannibalLecter #tattooofthedayPennywise the clown from "IT" by Nikko Hurtado. (Via IG - nikkohurtado) #pennywiseMummy by Onnie O'Leary. (Via IG - onnieolearytattoo)The nasty tongue cutting scene from the Evil Dead remake by Paul Acker (IG—paulackertattoo). #color #EvilDead #PaulAcker #portraiture#skull #girl
abandoned house by Christopher Jade #abandoned #house #haunted #woodsA bloody good tattoo by Paul Acker. (Via IG - paulackertattoo)Jason crab by Rob Spider (via IG -- cultxiiitattoo) #robspider #jasonhorhees #hermitcrab #hermitcrabtattoo #crab #crabtattooVamos jogar 😋#detailed #Nosferatu